Softube Education Store

Premium music production tools at student-friendly prices.

Looking to kick-start your education and boost your workflow? Shop Console 1 hardware* at discounted prices that won’t break your student budget and other pro audio tools, like hand-picked, essential plug-ins with at least 50% off.


How does it work?

Are you a student or an educator looking to expend your music production toolkit? You qualify for our student discounts as long as you’re currently a student or teacher with a valid student or staff identification. Just fill out the application form below to get started! 

Apply here

Currently available in the store


Saturation Knob

Add some analog distortion to your tracks


Console 1 Channel Mk II

The award-winning classic. Includes SSL SL 4000 E-Series channel strip.


Console 1 Channel Mk III

The industry-defining control surface with the sound and feel of big studios.


Console 1 Fader Mk III

Even more control with the tactile feel of fader and gigantic in-the-box workflow improvements.

Volume 6

Volume 6

A curated anthology of premium plug-ins that underscores Softube’s renowned sound quality.



Its component-level and physical modeling of three different tape machines, gives you all the warm vintage cohesion you could want in one plug-in.

Model 84

Model 84

The resurection of a polyphonic icon.



The only plug-in to track incoming dynamics and allow the user total control over their application in the output signal.

FET Compressor Mk II

FET Compressor Mk II

A meticulous remodel of the most-used analog compressor—including the iconic All-buttons-in mode.



Flow® Mastering Suite

Pro mastering for the busy producer. Try it free for 14 days. Learn more.

*Hardware offers are available only in the US and EU. Offers are valid as long as stocks last.