Phase for days.

  • Lush vintage phasing sound in a modern plugin package
  • Generate subtle movement in flat or dull-sounding instruments
  • Wide and versatile feature set
  • Three versions included: Fix Phaser native plug-in, Fix Phaser for Modular, and Fix Phaser for Amp Room


Effects / Amp Room Ready / Modular Ready

Fix Phaser

USD 49

Have you ever worried that your guitar just doesn't sound enough like a spaceship? We know we have. Coming from the ever-fertile mind of audio legend Paul Wolff, Fix Phaser perfectly covers this concern, and many others too.

Create subtle movement and texture in a string section or synth pad, wash a drum kit in stratospheric swirling attitude, create a throbbing, oscillating vibrato in a vocal, or simply swoosh and whoosh things to your heart's content.

"When I engaged the Fix Phaser on my mix buss, in the factory default setting, I started time traveling through the galaxy, and realized I was wearing shiny silver pants. This thing is absolutely awesome... all the best parts of a phaser without the silly overcooked elements. Nice job, folks!"

Greg Wells
Producer and songwriter for Katy Perry, Weezer, Adele, Timbaland, Mika, OneRepublic, Pink, The Deftones, Rufus Wainwright, etc.

Have a listen

Turn mono into stereo

The wide mode can create natural, convincing stereo soundscape from a mono track. Especially useful on guitars, vocals, drums and other instruments that sound static and lifeless.


From the mind of Paul Wolff

Fix Phaser builds on the mind-warping technical concepts already presented in the Fix Flanger and Doubler, completing the Fix modulation series. Never again will you reach into the toolbox and find an empty space where your spaceship should be.



This product supports
Extended Features

We love VU meters, Bakelite knobs, and analog quirks. But we want modern precision and workflow. The answer? Softube Extended Features. Easy-access panels with the innovations you need close at hand

Learn more

"From the twisted mind of Paul Wolff comes a Fix Phaser that is capable of subtle to extreme '60s like phaser sweeps. An instant audio time warp."

Joe Chiccarelli
Mixer/Engineer/Producer for Beck, U2, The Strokes, Elton John, etc.

What it does

With a clean and easy-to-navigate modern interface, the Fix Phaser loses none of that quintessential 70s/80s sound and style, and can transform a flat, dull track into a vibrant living beast in no time, and in a number of different ways. Sweep your phase centre at a rate anywhere between 0.01 and 6Hz, or let the incoming signal bump and pump the effect with the in-built envelope follower. Phase offset and regen settings allow further customisation of the sound, and three different stereo settings give the user control over the spread of the effect, from both mono and stereo sources.

What's Included


Fix Phaser native plug-in


With Fix Phaser, you can have all the swoosh and whoosh you could ever want. It gives you lush vintage phasing in a hyper-flexible and thoroughly modern native plug-in.

Fix Phaser for Modular


Fix Phaser for Modular, our virtual Eurorack platform, helps you create spacey synth sounds. Virtually patch it to modules from Doepfer, Buchla, Intellijel, and more to discover distant sonic galaxies.

Learn more about modular

Fix Phaser for Amp Room


Fix Phaser for Amp Room, our pro audio guitar and bass platform, offers out-of-this-world fun. Combine it with other studio effects, classic amps, cabs, and pedals to easily create studio-quality, record-ready tones.

In short

  • Lush vintage phasing sound in a modern plugin package.
  • Wide and versatile feature set.
  • Mix knob allows blending of wet and dry signals to taste.
  • Create stereo soundscapes out of mono sources.
  • Generate subtle movement in flat or dull-sounding instruments.
  • Out-of-this-world whooshing effects.
  • System requirements

    • Ventura 13, Sonoma 14, Sequoia 15
    • Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11
    • Softube account
    • iLok account
    • Computer with AU, VST, VST3 and/or AAX compatible DAW host software
    • Internet access (for downloading installers and managing licenses)

    Read full System Requirements and our Terms and Conditions 

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