Installer products Mac
This is the old downloads page. Please try out the new version here.
(Are you looking for Windows installers? Click here)
Once you own a license for one of our products, the next step is to download and install the software itself.
The simplest way to do this, especially if you own multiple Softube products, is to install Softube Central, our all-in-one product-management hub.
In Softube Central you can download and install new products, or update old products. You can also manage activation of your licenses, either to your machine or to a physical iLok USB key.
Learn more about Softube Central (open in a new tab/window)
Individual installers for Mac
Sometimes, for various reasons, you might wish to manually download an individual product installer, so we also provide that option below. Select the relevant product and click to download the installer. Follow on-screen instructions to install your product, and contact support if you have any problems or questions.
Please note: you will also need the iLok License Manager which can be downloaded HERE.
Softube Central (v1.7.1)
Manuals (v2.5.15)
4ms Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG)
4ms Spectral Multiband Resonator (SMR)
Buchla 259e Twisted Waveform Generator
Buchla 296e Spectral Processor
Chandler Limited Germanium Compressor
Chandler Limited Zener Limiter
Console1 Chandler Limited Zener-Bender
Console1 Empirical Labs Trak Pak
Drawmer 1973 Multi-Band Compressor
Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor
Harmonics Analog Saturation Processor
Marshall Murder One Lemmy Signature
Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959
Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer