High end room
sounds in seconds.

  • Modern and powerful high-end reverb
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Bundled for free when you buy TSAR-1 Reverb​
  • Three versions included: native plug-in, TSAR-1R for Modular, and TSAR-1R for Amp Room


Modular ready / Effects / Amp Room ready

TSAR-1R Reverb

USD 89


TSAR-1R Reverb is the little sibling of the more adjustable TSAR-1 Reverb. They share exactly the same high end reverb algorithm, but TSAR-1R offers extreme ease of use for a fast and intuitive workflow.

Essentially, TSAR-1R is operated with a single control — the Time slider. Add depth and dimension to any sound with short and controlled room sounds, or slide it up towards hall settings for large, dramatic spaces.

It really is as easy as that, and it always sounds stellar.


"Man!!!!!! Incredible, incredible, incredible!!!!! Just mixed Lil' Waynes new single 'How to Love' and so sweeeet my TSAR-1 Reverbs are sounding right now. If I had four hands I'd give four thumbs up!"

Fabian Marasciullo
Mixer for Lil' Wayne, The Neptunes, etc.

Have a listen

True Stereo Algorithmic Reverb

TSAR-1R features the same sophisticated reverb algorithms as the larger TSAR-1, so it sounds just as real, just as lush, just as big.


Intelligent Design

The time slider controls more than just time – many detailed processes happen under the hood, in an intelligent, sound-designed manner, as you increase the length of the reverb to ensure great room sounds at any setting.



This product supports
Extended Features

We love VU meters, Bakelite knobs, and analog quirks. But we want modern precision and workflow. The answer? Softube Extended Features. Easy-access panels with the innovations you need close at hand

Learn more

Modular Ready

This plug-in can be used within Modular, our Eurorack platform. Click to learn more.

Sophisticated sound and versatility

The True Stereo Algorithm inside the TSAR-1R Reverb and the more adjustable TSAR-1 Reverb is what gives them their magic. The strength lies in the sophisticated sound and versatility, no matter whether they are used on strings and brass or rock drums and lead vocals, they always shine. All this while still having a comprehensive and easy-to-use interface that is unparallelled in other high-end reverb products.


Fast and easy, yet powerful. Apart from Mix and Volume, there's only three parameters in TSAR-1R. Don't let that fool you though, it has never before been this easy to dial in a great reverb sound.

Predelay Perfect for getting that small gap between the vocals and the reverb tail.
Time One fader to rule them all. The Time control changes the Density, Diffusion, Early Reflections, Reverb Time, etc. Almost like a continous swipe through all the best presets.
Color Need a bright or a dark reverb?

Comes bundled with TSAR-1 Reverb or available separately.

In short

  • True Stereo Algorithm — same as in TSAR-1 Reverb.
  • Extremely easy to use.
  • Modern and powerful high-end reverb.
  • Bundled for free when you buy TSAR-1 Reverb.
  • Upgrade possible to the TSAR-1 Reverb.
  • System requirements

    • Ventura 13, Sonoma 14, Sequoia 15
    • Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11
    • Softube account
    • iLok account
    • Computer with AU, VST, VST3 and/or AAX compatible DAW host software
    • Internet access (for downloading installers and managing licenses)

    Read full System Requirements and our Terms and Conditions 

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