Punchy sound that’s
always in style.

  • A meticulous model of an iconic 1970s-era compressor and its famous punchy sound
  • Added features such as new ratios, parallel compression, and detector filtering
  • Excellent for adding musical texture, sheen, and attack to snare drums, guitars, and bass


Dynamics / Distortion / Console 1 Ready

VCA Compressor

USD 149


Quirky and characterful, the legendary hardware we used to model our VCA Compressor is unique and highly acclaimed. Much of that is owed to its famed hard knee compression curve and the harmonic content it adds in the gain stages.

We left the grabby, vintage character and the unique attributes—such as RMS level detection and feed-forward gain reduction—intact but gave VCA Compressor a slate of modern features for mixing and production. The combination delivers snap and sheen in spades, plus superior Softube sound quality and an enhanced workflow.


Designed by Experts, Built on Legacy

We have been emulating professional audio gear for two decades. With partnerships with premium brands like Tube-Tech, Solid State Logic, Chandler Limited, and Marshall Amplification, we have a strong record of accurately recreating analog standards in software form.

VCA Compressor builds on this legacy, delivering nothing less than the same classic character as the original hardware, superior sound quality, and added modern features.


Have a listen



Mod features

VCA Compressor delivers the snappy, analog character beloved by many, plus DAW-friendly attributes and expanded parameters. The added Sidechain section (with punch, filter, and external gain), Dry/Wet, and Drive give you the possibility to add more harmonic content. With Stereo Link, you can toggle from Stereo Linked mode, with linked Left and Right gain reduction, to Unlinked Dual Mono for independent gain reduction for Left and Right channels.

The High Frequency Make-up feature allows you to offset the minor loss of higher frequencies when compressing sound sources. It's the go-to comp for a snappier snare sound, but it is also excellent for adding texture, sheen, and attack to guitars, as well as low-end glue and weight on bass sounds.


Icons: The Compressor Collection

Looking for classic compression fit for a cutting-edge workflow? Icons: The Compressor Collection features three perfectly captured compressors that have defined the industry standard and stood the test of time. Discover Icons: The Compressor Collection.

Learn more about Icons: The compressor collection

Console 1 Ready

This plug-in can be used within Console 1, our mixing system. Click to learn more.

In short


  • An authentic emulation of a must-have compressor and its signature snappy sound
  • Great for easily adding warmth, weight, and glue to your bass, guitars, and vocals, for getting aggressive, snappy snares or blown-up room channels
  • Added modern features, such as Drive, a Sidechain section, Stereo Link, a High Frequency Make-up feature, and Dry/Wet
  • Console 1-ready
  • Included in Icons: The Compressor Collection



This product supports
Extended Features

We love VU meters, Bakelite knobs, and analog quirks. But we want modern precision and workflow. The answer? Softube Extended Features. Easy-access panels with the innovations you need close at hand

Learn more

  • System requirements

    • Ventura 13, Sonoma 14, Sequoia 15
    • Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11
    • Softube account
    • iLok account
    • Computer with AU, VST, VST3 and/or AAX compatible DAW host software
    • Internet access (for downloading installers and managing licenses)

    Read full System Requirements and our Terms and Conditions 

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